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This game is surprisingly therapeutic...
It deserves a full mobile release! get to it!! :)

Definitely took a couple tries as the intro stage confused me - I think you could take this a step further by having a quick intro cutscene pointing out the controls, and mechanics. Great job!

Alright, really intersting concept, thouhg i am a bit unclear what you are trying to do.

As far as i understand the rules, i get 0 amount of moves i am allowed to move until i have to change my move-direction. But i understand it that i am allowed to move into any direction i want, as long as i follow the 0-amounts and end up in the green hole. That would actually allow me to solve puzzles.

But eg. on level 10 i noticed that when going left as your first move it insta-looses you and resets the level. If your goal was simply using the 0-markers as hint's how the correct path looks, i don't think that is a good direction, cause then i might as well just try out every option until i got the solution, it kills the joy of discovering a solution that just might be something only i have come up with (even if it is not). Also designing levels with more than one solution would be neat too.

A few smaller things are:

Its choosen, not choosed. I know not everyone is a native english speaker, but the internet has so many grammer-correction-sites for free, that those type of mistakes just make a bad impression for any new player (and at worst makes them not understand your rules)

Because i can control the whole game with only the left hand, it is really akward that i have to use the mouse to control the menu, just make enter go into the next level, that way i can relax and groove out to your puzzles all one-handed style XD

The timer-levels are more a personal thing, if you like them keep them. But personally puzzle games are something to relax and enjoy at my own time not get pressured to do things fast. Thats what actiongames are for.

I know its a big block of text, but i only wrote it so detailed because i think this game has a really neat underlying core to it. You just have to polish it a bit more to find where the game wants to be taken.